about me (so far, anyway)

I have a myriad of hobbies, and I think, a lot.DSC_5599
I think about thinking. I think a lot.

I’m fascinated by what happens within us to create the world around us. What motivates us to do anything? How do we use understanding to achieve? How do we align achievement with our experience of happiness and not allow achievement to substitute and keep us away from it? And how did we get here? And how do we get someplace better for all of us?

I’m an executive coach, so my interest and research into how we can use our thinking to move us forward and how we substitute better strategies for better outcomes has practical applications. (fortunately for my family) My work is a privilege. My clients are some of the most brilliant and committed leaders I have ever met. They’re experienced experts in their respective fields and still wanting to grow and tap into greater potential to change minds, people, and some aspect of the world. I’m trusted to be in service to dreams and to share the struggles, doubts, and fears. It’s amazing work. I’m consistently in awe of human capacity for growth, resilience,  and connection. 

I was once the COO of a very early cloud-based, BI software company and that 10 year endeavor was the catalyst to my coaching career.  I was fortunate to have people who graciously taught me skills I needed, but much of the time I was out of balance and following other people’s paths. After the company sold and I’d completed my obligations to the acquiring company, I took a long break and sorted through my working decades and saw how I could have benefited with a different kind of support.

Possibly because of my own tendency for analysis, patterns, and process, my clients are mostly in STEM fields. There’s a special challenge for technical experts to lead at the executive level, but the impact is amazing when people harness their authentic style and lead successful operations and teams, in concert.  

This blog started as “Intent & Wonder” and a vehicle to share my own humanity as I struggle to figure out how to get myself anywhere (and be nowhere). “Intent & Wonder” = “Goals & Curiosity”. If you’ve met me, you know I always have questions. 

I like practice. I crack myself up regularly in the pursuit of progress. There’s so much I’ll never understand. This won’t ever change. 

Throughout my various careers, athletic training and pursuits have kept me sane and healthy. Training has been a great place to practice many life skills. And so I feel justified in owning as many bikes as I do.